Monday, May 10, 2010

New Approach to Learning

Embarking on this endeavor to pursue a degree online was questionable in the beginning. To be surrounded by the comforts of my home while trying to further my education almost seemed impossible.

Being an online student for more than 5 months has completely changed my outlook about online education. I love the freedom to learn any and everywhere I choose, as long as I have an internet connection. I benefit from the learning style of Kaplan University, better than previous colleges.

The weekly discussion boards challenges my ability to research information and utilize my available resources. Furthermore, my verbal and written communication has improved as well. Group projects are a great way to communicate with classmates and new friendships may blossom. Online education suites me, I am glad to continually learn about the Health Information Technology field!!


  1. I was nerveous going back to school, I was just so ready and overdue for it. I started back in Augest and have regreted it at all. I have enjoyed learning about so many different things from the Instructors and classmates. Blogging is another great way for us online students to learn more with a different tool. I am still new to this blogging thing, but am willing to learn something new.

  2. Hello Jennifer,

    I love your layout. It is elegantly simple. All my text still goes down the middle and my latest posts appear at the bottom instead of the top. I still have a lot to learn about formatting blogs.

  3. I just wanted to say that I am in love with your page.

  4. Now I do not see either one of the comments I made just now.

    Maybe later? Do you have to approve them?

