Wednesday, June 23, 2010

One Goal off my Checklist

The mind frame of thinking, I have forever to write my scientific paper is the wrong attitude. It is best to use the Swiss Cheese Method; break down the writing into smaller portions throughout the term. Also, gather substantial information that is relevant to your thesis statement, so that you have a good idea of where your paper is going.

I would like to think my organizational skills have improved in the past 10 weeks. When reality sets in, this is untrue but I aspire to become a more organized individual. Writing has improved my communication skills and the value of prewriting. Thesis statements, still one of weaker points but it did improve my first thesis ever written. Procrastination is not going to be associated my name next term; however, I definitely enjoyed learning the technical aspect of writing.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jennifer,

    All my life I have walked the line between wanting to be more organized and at the same time rebelling against order, choosing spontaneity. In my old age, I try to strike a balance. I can procrastinate for only so long, then I have to apply organization. I still allow spontaneity to rule when it adds value to my life or value to someone I love.

